
Liberty accepts the COVID-19 public health measures reasonably determined by the Chief Medical Officer of Queensland as opportunities for the church to "love one another" as commanded by our King, Jesus.  We do not do this out of fear of our own safety but rather out of our loving concern for others in our families, our church family and our community - particularly those who are more vulnerable to COVID-19.  We are willing to sacrifice our freedoms for a season to prevent illness and death for others.


Neither do we fear loss of our religious freedoms or intend to fight to defend them from perceived or real loss.   Rather, in the example of the first century believers of Jerusalem we pray:

And now, Lord, consider [whatever] threats [maybe] and grant that your slaves may speak your message with complete boldness, as you stretch out your hand for healing, and signs, and wonders to be preformed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.

The church is functioning in accordance with a COVID-Safe Plan perpared by its deacons in the accordance with the Queensland COVID-Safe Industry Plan for Places of Worship.