Block Events on Gordon Avenue

Everyone & Anyone | Some Sundays 9:30am to 12MD for social engagement
Contact for advice
Sunday's Cool 4 Kids @Liberty
King's Men @ Liberty
Contact for advice
Whole Church Together
All ages | Most Sundays 10am
(Contact for confirmation)
According to COVID-Safe Plan
- 10:00 - 10:20 G'day (BYO Cuppa)
- 10:20 - 12:00
- Greeting
- Prayer
- Bible Reading
- KMG (Know my God) for Kids
- Praise & Reflection in Song
- Communion ('Breaking of Bread')
- StraightTalking (Bible teaching)
- Praise & Petition
- 12:00 -13:00 Lunch Together (BYO and contact for confirmation)
All in an intergenerational, informal, participatory style
Ladies Prayer & KYB
Kindy to Secondary | Sundays 9am (school term only)
According to a COVID-Safe Plan
Adult women | Tuesdays 7pm by ZOOM
Contact for Meeting ID and Password
During COVID-19
Church Gathers COVID Safe as above
Most Sundays 10am to 12MD - contact to confirm
Sunday's Cool 4 Kids COVID Safe as above
Each Sunday 9am to 10am - contact to confirm
'Family' Group Dinner via Zoom
Each Wednesday evening 6pm - 8pm
Contact for Meeting ID & Password
see CONTACT page or phone 0409366606 (Denis)
or email